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CS604 Assignment No. 02 solution Spring 2014

Please discuss here CS604 Assignment No. 2 for best solution.

Assignment No. 02
Spring 2014
CS604- Operating Systems

 Total Marks:20                                                                                Due Date: 23rd  May 2014

To Learn and understand the concept of operating system structure, functions with UNIX/Linux basic commands and basics of scheduling.

Lecture Covered: 
Lecture # 7 to 14
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment: 
  • You will submit your assignment before or on due date on VU-LMS. 
  • Assignment should be completed by your own efforts it should not be copied from internet, handouts or books. 
  • You should submit your Word File via assignment interface at VU-LMS. 
  • Assignment sent via Email will not be replied and accepted/graded in any case. 
  • If the submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt, it will not be graded. 

For any query about the assignment, contact at 

Question: [Marks 20]

Question No.1:                                                           [Marks 5]
Consider a scenario of post mailbox, there are two processes named sender S and receiver R. Both processes can communicate with each other by name along with message. You need to identify what type of IPC is this?
Write the send and receive primitives for stated processes.
Identify at least three properties of communication channel or link in this scheme.
Question No.2:                                                           [Marks 5]
Considering the performance of FCFS scheduling algorithm for three CPU bound processes, calculate
the followings, If process P1 takes 19 seconds, P2 takes 23 seconds and P3 takes 8 seconds and processes arrive in order P1, P2 and P3:                                     
a)  Turnaround Time per process
b)  Average Turnaround time of processes
c)  Average waiting time of processes and identify either convey effect occurs or not.

Question No.3:                                                           [Marks 10]

Using C programming language, write a program that uses the pthread library to create two threads and display certain messages. Messages must have following words and sequence:
First thread in process: My VU student ID is BC123456
Thread created
Second thread is in process: My Subject Code is CS604
Thread Created
(code:4 marks, compile and execute command on Ubuntu:2 marks and correct output:4 marks)

Note for Question No.3:
1) Do not write your program in other languages like Java, C++ etc. Write your program only in C language.
2) Do not execute your program in other operating systems like Windows, Mac etc. Execute your program only in Linux Ubuntu flavor.
3) You should provide three screen shots. Required three screen shots are given below.
I) Screen shots of your complete program that you write in C. Your screen shots should display your complete program code that you write in C.
II) Screen shot of Commands that you used to compile and run your program in Linux Ubuntu.
III) Screen shot of final output of your program shown.
4) In first line each student should display his own complete VU student ID and not the VU student ID of any other student.

Uploading Instructions:
  • Paste your screen shots in word file and then upload your assignment as a Word file. It should

have name [YourRollNo.doc]


 Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Friday, 23rd May 2014.  


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We will consider your positive response and suggestion.


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